#cafenervosashots | Self-Limiting Beliefs

Have you ever listened to something and found yourself nodding fervently because it beautifully weaves together many strands of thought you can identify with? A stimulating conversation on Overcoming Self-limiting Beliefs with Dr Ramya Ranganathan at the My Aviation: My Career Week at #GEAviation India did just that for me and inspired this entry. My personal takeaway was thatContinue reading “#cafenervosashots | Self-Limiting Beliefs”

Reflections of a Bad Student

So many parents and teachers don this garb of ‘we have things figured out.’ But spend long enough in any office and it’s clear that we don’t know shit. Is lack of attention a “kid” trait? I’ve seen colleagues fill many margins in intricate doodles during training sessions, while I discreetly check my phone. Yet, our age somehow justifies our unfair expectations.

Are you “practical?”

When I was a kid, I was the most carefree person with little to no self awareness. And yet, I remember thinking, at barely eleven or twelve – I wish I were good at something that could turn into a career. My hobbies, passions even, just couldn’t translate into any of the jobs that I was familiar with.

Excursions into the Impersonal World: Desperately Seeking Happiness

I have always been quite the pessimist too, it’s easier to imagine that life is doing me wrong, than that I might be actively screwing things up for myself. Let’s call it fate and be done with it, you know?

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