#cafenervosashots | Self-Limiting Beliefs

Have you ever listened to something and found yourself nodding fervently because it beautifully weaves together many strands of thought you can identify with? A stimulating conversation on Overcoming Self-limiting Beliefs with Dr Ramya Ranganathan at the My Aviation: My Career Week at #GEAviation India did just that for me and inspired this entry. My personal takeaway was thatContinue reading “#cafenervosashots | Self-Limiting Beliefs”

#ChooseToChallenge: Our Love of Labels

Women Are Rated Better Than Men on Key Leadership Capabilities (HBR) Data Shows Women Make Better Leaders. Who cares? (Forbes magazine) “Female-led countries handled coronavirus better, study suggests” (The Guardian) A number of articles with titles like these made their way to my feed through March. Let’s indulge ourselves in a thought experiment and in each of these sentences, tryContinue reading “#ChooseToChallenge: Our Love of Labels”

Through The Looking Glass: A Take On Transparency

I’ve been spending some time thinking about transparency and speaking up at work these past few months. This post doesn’t offer recommendations, but raises some possibly provocative questions that I hope to get perspectives on. How many times do we exhort each other to speak up? And how much of it do we really, truly, actually do ourselves?

Work-Life What?

When we have to ‘work at’ something, instead of simply living in the experience of it, when it’s something that reigns in our spontaneity, confines us in a framework – we call it work. And when something sweeps us in its ‘flow’ and provides the space for self-expression and self-expansion, we call it life. So: how can we make ‘work’ more like whatever we call ‘life?’

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